Government Incentives

There are a wide range of grants available to help you upgrade your home, making it warmer and more energy efficient. Here is a list of SEAI Grants available for upgrading your heating system, installing an air source heat pump and replacing your oil boiler.

Heat Pump Systems

The SEAI is offering a grant to the value of €3500 towards upgrading your current heating system to a Heat Pump system offering lower running costs and reduced carbon emissions.

Please note that before applying for a heat pump system grant, the homeowner must engage with an independent, SEAI Registered Technical Advisor to carry out a technical assessment of the home and provide independent guidance on the buildings suitability for a heat pump and any remedial work required. There is a €200 grant towards the technical assessment, the technical advisor will also provide an energy report which will be needed in order to complete a system design and specify a heat pump size.

All technical data received can be emailed to or call our technical team to talk discuss further 021 4884700.

air to water heat pump placed next to a property with a brick wall

Heat your water easily with SEAI’s solar water heating grants

Save money on your annual hot water heating bills by installing a solar thermal system. Solar thermal will help you to reduce your energy consumption and cut down on your greenhouse gas emissions. For further information visit the link below.