How To Make An Old Home More Energy Efficient

historic cottage set against a blue sky

Old homes are full of their own beautiful character and charm. The only downside is that they’re usually not very energy efficient. This is because they have been built using different structures and materials to modern buildings. If you’re not sure how to make an old home more energy efficient, make sure to consider the following options:

Excluding Draughts

Older properties are renowned for being draughty. However, the good news is that it’s easy to tackle draughts and make substantial savings as a result. Sash windows are a big cause of letting cold air in and so it’s important to start with fitting draught excluders here. In addition to this, make sure to focus on doors and letterboxes. Excluding draughts is essential for keeping the heat that you’re paying for in your home, whilst preventing cold air from getting in.

Switching To LED Lighting

When thinking about how to make an old house more energy efficient, it’s the simple fixes that can make all the difference. One of these simple fixes is replacing old fashioned light fittings with LED options. The reason that LED lighting is a lot more energy efficient is because it converts more energy into light rather than heat. This makes LED bulbs brighter, however they are also longer lasting. Switching up your lighting is an easy place to start when thinking about how to make an old home more energy efficient, but one that will have a big impact. 

Adding Insulation

Modern buildings set pretty high standards for insulation, however older homes weren’t built using the same requirements. As a result, period properties and older homes tend to have very poor insulation that can cause them to lose heat easily. That’s why adding loft and wall insulation is a key part of how to make an old home more energy efficient. If you’re concerned about budget then start with the loft as this is where the majority of heat is lost. You can then look at insulating the rest of the house.

Upgrading Your Heating Source

If you’re looking to make substantial and long lasting changes to the energy efficiency of an old house then you need to look at the source you’re using to create heat in your home. Outdated boilers need to be heated at very high temperatures which wastes energy, and becomes very expensive. Replacing an old boiler with sustainable options, such as an air to water heat pump will drastically reduce your annual energy bills, as they use existing energy from the outside air and transform it into usable heat. You can also retrofit underfloor heating and other efficient heating systems in an old house.

Fitting Secondary Glazing

We’ve mentioned excluding draughts from windows and doors, however one option that you may want to consider is installing a secondary glazing panel. This involves installing another glass layer behind an existing single glazed window to keep heat in, whilst also having beneficial soundproofing properties. This is a great option for how to make an old home more energy efficient, when you can’t physically alter the original window fittings. 

For more information on how Pipelife’s renewable heating solutions can help make your old house more energy efficient, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.

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