Can You Retrofit Underfloor Heating?
Traditionally underfloor heating has always been installed at the new-build stage, but can underfloor heating be retrofitted? As it has become increasingly popular in recent years, manufacturers have developed ways to retrofit underfloor heating. With the ability to retrofit underfloor heating, it is now possible to add it to existing properties, including many older homes.
How To Retrofit Underfloor Heating
In general, it will be possible to retrofit underfloor heating in most properties. However, you will need to consult an expert’s advice to determine whether or not this is a possibility for your property. An expert will need to ensure that they can plan the fitting of the pipes, insulation and floor finish without compromising the integrity of the existing structure. You will require approximately 200mm of underfloor space to accommodate your new floor insulation, pipes and new concrete floor or other floor finish. You can also retrofit underfloor heating to be integrated into your existing system if a plumber carries out a few slight adjustments. If you live in a protected building, you will need to check with your local planning department to get permission to go ahead with the installation.
Our design engineers at Pipelife Eco will be able to guide you through the planning stage, advising on the best approach for installing your new system. We look at all properties on a case by case basis to determine the most cost-effective and efficient plan of action for their individual requirements.
What Are The Benefits?
If you’re deciding whether or not to retrofit underfloor heating to increase the energy efficiency of your home or as part of a larger home renovation project, you’ll want to know what the benefits are of going through the retrofitting process. These include:
Long-Term Savings: Whilst there will be an initial investment to retrofit underfloor heating, it will soon make you huge savings on your energy bills in the long run. This is because the system works at much lower temperatures than traditional radiator systems. If you use our Air To Water Heat Pump to fuel your retrofit underfloor heating, you could reduce your energy bills by up to 60%.
Better For The Environment: Aside from running at lower temperatures, retrofit underfloor heating is more energy efficient as it creates an even distribution of heat from the ground up. Traditional radiators on the other hand, have a tendency to waste energy by creating hot and cold spots. By installing an underfloor heating system with Pipelife Eco you could potentially cut your home’s CO2 emissions by half.
Visual Appeal: When you retrofit underfloor heating you’re placing the system quite literally under the floor, meaning it does not obstruct the rest of the property. This is a much sleeker option than bulky radiators that take up wall space and can look out of place amongst the rest of your decor scheme.
Pleasant Indoor Environment: A smart controlled underfloor heating system allows you to control the temperature of each room individually. Not only does this enable you to create a more pleasant indoor environment, it also allows you to save money, by only heating rooms as and when you need them.
To discuss whether or not retrofit underfloor heating is an option for your home, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with the team at Pipelife.