7 Main Heat Pump System Components Explained

two heat pumps next to a brick wall

Heat pumps work by extracting heat from the outside air and converting it into usable heat for the home. This is done via a refrigeration process and vapour compression cycle, but what are the main heat pump system components that are responsible for this process? Let’s find out.

Main Body

The main body contains all the major heat pump system components that extract heat from the outside air. They often look like large air conditioning units. The main body houses the fans and refrigerant coils, alongside the power unit and compressor, alongside any other associated valves and pipes. As the main body houses all the main heat pump components, it’s important that it’s serviced regularly to ensure it maintains a good condition. 

Midea heat pump unit on a white background


The evaporator is a low temperature heat exchanger where refrigerant enters as a liquid which then absorbs heat from the heat source through a process of evaporation. This leaves a low temperature vapour. The evaporator is crucial for changing the refrigerant from a liquid to a gas. 


The refrigerant that absorbs heat from the outside air passes through one of the most important heat pump system components, known as a compressor. The increase in pressure facilitated by the compressor causes the refrigerant to change state from a liquid to a gas which in turn increases the temperature of it. 


Another one of the most important heat pump system components is the condenser. This is located towards the outside of the heat pump and collects or releases heat depending on the outside temperature. The refrigerant enters the condenser as a high temperature vapour and leaves as a high temperature liquid. 


Fans are also crucial heat pump system components. The role of the fan is to force air though the unit so that more heat can be extracted. Air source heat pump components often include more than one fan so that a greater amount of air flows through the unit in order to improve the efficiency of extraction. 

Expansion Valve

The high pressure refrigerant liquid from the condenser is transported through the expansion valve which adjusts the temperature and pressure for the heat pump. This means that the refrigerant is now ready to begin the process again.  

Heat Distribution System 

The extracted heat will then need to be distributed throughout the property via radiators or an underfloor heating system. The most efficient choice for this is underfloor heating which creates an even distribution of heat throughout the property, whilst being able to operate at lower water temperatures. 

underfloor heating system

It’s essential that all the main heat pump systems components work together to enable the unit to function efficiently. If you are considering installing a heat pump in your own home, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with the Pipelife team to discuss your options. 

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